
we do managed IT, web-hosting, development, support, security, and communication solutions, to help businesses fully own their technology.

we designed solutions for 97+ companies including:

Answers in Genesis Global Orphan Project Christian Cinema

trained 85+ teams

handled 50+ migrations

reduced monthly costs by over 39%

with experience in:

containerization, decentralization, UI/UX design, hypervisors, groupware, programming frameworks, e-commerce, API, R&D, billing software, e-commerce, marketing automation, VOIP and PBX, mail servers, ethernet cabling, security cameras, tech debt, security, cost auditing.

last hour hosting logo

start at $2.91/mo.

managed websites, hosting, and cloud services.

managed IT

remote or on-site our managed IT provides you with proactive, expert care. reduce overhead costs with open-source and a solution you fully own.

full-stack dev

enjoy greater flexibility, lower costs, security, and community-driven innovation, all while aligning with Christian values.

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